There are things that Harper does everyday that surprise me. Especially the things that come out of her mouth! Where does she get this stuff? (ok, I may be to blame but whatever). I wanted to document a few of the things she says frequently.
"Just shut up"- Which is always said in the sweetest, tiniest voice. Its hard to get mad at her.
"Don't see me"- When she is mad and doesn't want you to look at her.
"Talk to the hand, buddy!" -I am to blame for this, mostly. When she was younger we would make her say talk to the hand, and it was hilarious but she adds buddy to the end of it, I have no idea where this came from.
"I like your hair, its pretty"- Thank you child.
"I need to work on my computer" - Apparently this is a common excuse I must use, because when I ask her to help clean up she says she needs to go to work. hmm.
"I worka out" -Which is followed by heavy breathing, and running in place. Thats what I get for doing Insanity for 30 days straight in front of her.
"Durrkadurr"- Me and her aunt use this a lot, so she was bound to start saying it, except now it what she says shortly after saying "bitch" because she knows she has just said a bad word.
"Mama, what time it is?" - All of a sudden she started asking me what time it was, and then would respond with "its not nap time".
"I will crush you"
"I will kill you"
"I will throw mud on you"
^ Pretty sure this is the result of playing with the rowdy boy at daycare. Its always creepy when your child whispers any of those things to you from the back seat. Yes it has happened.
"I freaking love you mama" -Simply the best.
"I so esited!" - Excited!
"You want a baby in your tummy? I need a baby in my tummy!" - No, and no you don't.
"You guys make me so goofy!" -After me and her dad play with her.
"Im so sorry" - Yes she can be polite, but she is using this whenever she falls, or trips over something.
No, sir!" - I have no idea where this came from, but I caught her reading a book to herself and after everything she read this was her reply.
"I sleep so good"- She will tell you this after her nap, or she will fake you out and say this to make you think she fell asleep and that its time for her to come out of her room.
There are so many funny things she says its hard to keep up! She talks so much. Now if I could just get her to count in order instead of counting everything as "Three".