Tuesday, September 4, 2012

I was Runnnninnn'.

Soo Back in the day I used to run cross country. NBD. But I'm pretty sure that if any of the avid cross country runners from my class heard me say that, they would slap me. Because honestly, I only did one race. Just 1.  It sucked. I didn't miss a workout though! I was in great shape, and could run a lot.
Nowadays.. not so much. I have always ran on and off, but never enough to build up good stamina and speed, or distance for that matter. I absolutely HATE pacing myself.  I would rather run as fast as the beat in my ears than barely lift my feet. I then realized I should have taken track instead of cross country.
I started my weight loss/get in shape/do something with my fat ass journey about a month ago.. and I ran the first day and I died. Last week I ran again and felt better than ever! I was so proud of myself!

I could have kept going.. honestly. But my goal was to run 2, since I'm doing Insanity during the day, and running at night. I am proud to say that I did not stop to catch my breath! Now the only trouble I'm having is with my feet.. I am pretty sure it is the shoes I'm wearing. Other than that I focused on pacing myself.. focused on breathing, and kept going! Of course I had my lovely playlist from Rock my run, I have two playlists downloaded, one is 30 min, the other 60. The music is on a loop so no switching songs! I downloaded the dubsweat and dubforce and love them! 

Hoping to see my time improve in the next couple of weeks, hoping to run a 5k at the end of this month! 

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