Christmas came and went, although all my decorations and tree are still up! I usually keep it up through New Years, but the thought of putting it all away just does not sound like fun right now! ugh. Here's a long, drawn out recap of the holiday. Sorry, not sorry.
This year we were in our new house, together as a family. It was nice. Harper was spoiled as usual by us, and her grandparents. Being the only grandchild is quite benefiting for her lol. This year we decided to buy Harper the Nabi2. We were so excited, and researched a lot of other children's tablets, and this one seemed like the best. Christmas Eve we decided we would open it, set it up, and have the "elf" be using it. Unfortunately we bought a previously owned, and returned OLD model, in the new box, and the great employees of Walmart failed to realize this. So at about 10pm Christmas eve we were pretty upset, and disgusted that someone would do this, especially after we had a face to whoever did this on the one that we opened (yes, they left pictures on it!). Of course, Harper wouldn't know if she was supposed to get it or not, but we saved up, and didn't buy her a lot of additional toys, because we knew she would be getting other things from family. We were able to exchange it for a new one the day after Christmas. Besides the mishap, Christmas morning was a success! Harper was into Santa this year, and the elf, so she kept saying "look what elfy got me!" and "Santa bring me this?" it was soo cute.
Vintage Elf, My great grandmas! |
Seeing Santa at Daddy's work. |
Me and Michael exchanged our gifts, and I was very surprised to see my tea set I had been eyeing a long time ago. It is so pretty, and he also got me a starter kit with 4 different kinds of tea, German sugar, and storage tins! Then.. I broke the teapot. :( ugh! So we will have to get a new one.
Isn't it cute?! ahh. I just want to have a tea party with myself already. It came with a cast iron tea warmer and candles too.
My plan this year was to build Harper a play kitchen, but like most projects, I don't plan out enough time to do them, so my dad decided he would get her one for Christmas. We purchase this one from Ikea, along with the tiny utensils, pots and pans, dishes, and felt play food. Its so cute, I die.
Harper also got her first bike, Santa came to Grandmas house and it was all set up for her to see when she walked in the door, she took one look at it and said "I already have one!" and then started crying. haha it was great. We have one that was given to us that we have never used, because she is not big enough for it yet. We attempted to ride it, until she got frustrated and ran down the street screaming. These are the times where I need to have a video camera. No nap makes for a very bratty 2 yr old!
After we get done with my side of the family, we go see Michael's side of the family..Its a long day for us, and next year we will probably split it up over 2 days so we can spend quality time with everyone, and my child will be an angel versus the demon child she most regularly is. We had the best prime rib ever, opened presents, hung out, and then headed back home. Michael only had Christmas day off this year, while I had a whole week and a half off! He is such a hard worker. :)
Its back to work tomorrow morning, and a fresh start!